Doing better...and Thanks for being there....
I want to thank you all for being there for me last week. I couldn't even bring myself to tell a friend about Spooka when I went out with her on Sunday--I just couldn't feel I could talk about it and keep it together.
But I could blog about it and it did help me to ease the pain a bit. Ah, the power of blogging and the RBF!
We buried Spooka in the back yard under a young oak tree that she liked to sleep under. We sprinkled wild flour seeds over her grave. I think she would be happy there.
My daughter goes out daily and "waters Spooka" as she calls it--she's religious about it. We all have our way of coping and it's her way right now.
And I run.......
But I could blog about it and it did help me to ease the pain a bit. Ah, the power of blogging and the RBF!
We buried Spooka in the back yard under a young oak tree that she liked to sleep under. We sprinkled wild flour seeds over her grave. I think she would be happy there.
My daughter goes out daily and "waters Spooka" as she calls it--she's religious about it. We all have our way of coping and it's her way right now.
And I run.......