Sunday, May 25, 2008

What If???

What if I totally and completely dedicate myself to a rigorous workout/diet program for 10 weeks AND also train for a marathon at the same time? My journey begins on June 8th! More to follow!

In other favorite movie that I've seen this year, hands down is No Country for Old Men (I seem to be in the minority here with my friends, who found it to be too "depressing" and preferred Fargo). My daughter has this habit of watching movies with the subtitles on, I just recently watched it a 2nd time with the subtitles on and picked up much more of the witty/deep/strange dialog. I totally recommend trying it!

For those who have seen it, here's a variation of the coin toss scene....All the dialog is the same but Anton's voice has been dubbed with a effeminate voice-over.

Totally Freaking Awesome.

Monday, May 12, 2008

Good News

My foot just had "tissue damage" I have to be careful on hard surfaces and cut down on my workouts but all is going to be okay.

Now, I'm dealing with a cold that is literally kicking my arse. I've had it for almost a week now, and although it hasn't really got into my chest or been really bad, it's not getting any better either. I hate waking up completely dry and stuffed, so consequently, have not had a good night sleep in quite some time. If this keeps up, I'm going to have to stop everything and spend the day in bed, which is something I should've done in the first place.

My daughter is starting a GED program at the local Junior College (a great JC at that) as I write this. The goal is to get her GED soon, work the rest of the summer then start college courses in the Fall. This is her idea, and I'm holding my breath.

Work is insane. I'm increasingly becoming disenchanted (keep quiet Jenn!), and I'm considering a Month long sabbatical this Winter or Spring doing something like this:

It's something I wanted to do as a teenager, but foolishly got married and pregnant instead.

Maybe now is the time.

My sis, even though is registered, is still on the fence about running the Nike marathon. I'm gonna have a hard time training if she bails on me. Time will always tell!